Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lego City cake

So, it's been a few weeks and i still don't have any followers :(. But hey, no biggie. I'll just keep doing what I do, world renowned or not lol. At any rate, this is a lego city cake that i did for my childrens former kindergarten teacher. We've somewhat kept in touch and are facebook friends. I was delighted that she thought of me and brought me some business. The little boy absolutely loved it, so did his family and the rest of the class. Thats the best part for me.
It is marble cake with non dairy whipped icing with the colors mixed by hand. This one took about 5 hours not including baking time. I've got 2 more orders in for this weekend....stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. I'm following you! I know girl, no one follows my blog either! lol

    Love your cakes! What is the price range?
